First Vita Plus Testimonial Health Story – Princess Lesh Love Ytang, Leukemia Patient

Posted on  September 24, 2013, 8:33 pm  By 
First Vita Plus Testimonial Health Story - Princess Lesh Love Ytang

“We went through a lot of physical and emotional pain. We needed to drink so many medicines and yet, our condition did not improve. We had bruises all over our bodies, our gums bled profusely, even as we were brushing our teeth, and we kep asking ourselves, “Why God?”
“We could not afford to buy any medication and we could barely make ends meet. We resorted to eating rice with lots of water because we could not even buy milk for our children.”
“We found the answer when First Vita Plus came into our lives…. I therefore advise you to give First Vita Plus a chance…”

First Vita Plus Testimonial: Nina France Dorothy Hepolan

Posted on  March 7, 2013, 3:34 pm  By 
first-vita-plus-testimonial-nina-france-dorothy-hepolanNINA FRANCE DOROTHY HEPOLAN
(3 years old)
She was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Stage 1 (ALL-1), and admitted at Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center (VSMMC), Cebu City. She has been transfused with 16 bags of whole blood, six bags packed RBC, 10 bags platelet concentrate. Thanks God First VitaPlus was introduced to her grandmother on the way to the hospital chapel by a complete stranger (VITA Dealer Name Jun Bas). Significant improvement was noted after consuming four boxes of First Vita Plus in 2 weeks and blood picture returned to normal. Platelet count back to normal and cerebrospinal fluid exam noted no more immature cells. By the power of God and this natural health drink, now we do not need any more donors to transfuse blood. Niña was discharged from the hospital few days before Christmas.