First Vita Plus Testimonial Health Story – Cristina Pateñna, Cervical Cancer Patient

Posted on  September 24, 2013, 7:33 pm  By 
First Vita Plus Testimonial Health Story - Cristina Pateñna, Cervical Cancer Patient
Cristina Pateña took 2 years after First Vita Plus was introduced to her to realize the Vita difference and discover the power of the product.
She had undergone operation for Cervical Cancer Stage 1b. After she was discharged, she had constipation for 45 days and was advised to undergo another operation to remove her bowel.
After drinking 5 glasses of First Vita Plus Natural Health Drink in Melon, she had bowel movement. She also skipped chemotherapy, stopped drinking estrogen replacement medicine and can sleep without the fear or worry of insomnia.

First Vita Plus Testimonial Health Story – Raul Orbino Liver Cancer Free

Posted on  September 24, 2013, 7:33 pm  By 
First Vita Plus Testimonial Health Story - Raul Orbino Liver Cancer Free
Raul Orbina is now a liver cancer free, thanks to the powerof First Vita Plus
“Before I started drinking First Vita Plus, I was always sick. Aside from my cancer, I had kidney stones. I could not breathe properly and I also had hypertension. But First Vita Plus removed all those pains and ailments”
“I know its health benefits and now, I want to experience the financial freedom that it brings”

First Vita Plus Testimonial – John Morton with Lump on Thumb and Stage 4 Prostate Cancer

Posted on  March 6, 2013, 11:35 pm  By 
First Vita Plus Testimonial -  John Morton with Lump on Thumb and Stage 4 Prostate Cancer
My name is John Moron of Scottish descent, I am 83 years old and I live in London Ontario Canada. Last year, I lost 40 lbs and had a lump on my thumb. I went to the hospital and was advised by a walk in clinic to repair a hernia. But the blood test shows that there were a PSA of 300 and a biopsy reconfirmed prostate cancer that went to the bone. They put me on estrogen instead of chemo.
Last November 2011, I met Jojo Toling who introduced himself a dealer of First Vita Plus. He told me to the potential benefits that the product has to offer. With nothing to lose, I took the chance and started drinking 2 sachets of Guyabano flavor daily. After a month and a half usage, I noticed the lump had flattened. I weighed myself and to my surprise, I gained 15 lbs.
I continued to drink First Vita Plus as my daily food supplement as I don’t believe in taking any further medication at all. My weight continued to stabilize until it became normal. Two months later, I visited my doctor for a scheduled check up and they told me that I have a stage 4 prostate cancer.
After going through some health standard questions like if I felt any symptoms whatsoever, I told them nothing and they didn’t believe me. Then the doctors pulled out the result and they were shocked to see that my cancer cells dropped dramatically from 300 to 180! Everybody at the clinic was amazed with my results!
To this day I thank First Vita Plus through the help of Jojo Toling and I swear on the drink as an essential supplement to my daily health and well-being. I continue to drink 2 sachets of Guyabano daily and overall I feel good and have more energy. My intention is to continue drinking First Vita Plus. Thanks

First Vita Plus Testimonial – John Paul Requioma

Posted on  March 6, 2013, 4:53 pm By 
First Vita Plus Testimonial - John Paul Requioma - cancer-free through first vita plus
It was in October of 2011 when he was brought to the hospital because of aninitial finding of dengue. He was hospitalized for several days because his fever refused to go down even after 5 days.
His platelet count went down further and on his way home, John Paul, suffered a seizure. The nuerosurgeon saw that he had a cyst nodule a size of 1.5cm x 1.8 cm During his second MRI, it was discovered that his cyst had grown in size to 2.8 cm x 1.9m. He suffered another seizure and his family was afraid because another one could be fatal.
The doctors told them to prepare PhP1.5 Million for chemotherapy but the family thought that it was too expensive. They could not afford the treatment and this led them to try a different alternative, which they found in First Vita Plus.
We tried 8 to 10 sachets of First Vita Plus Natural Health Drink in Guyabano a day. Sabi ko, mag mega dose kaya ako. Amazing, but I immediately felt the difference. Before, I was very weak and I was prone to dizzy spells and throwing up. I could not stand big crowds and I was very sickly. But after trying First Vita Plus, I can now jog up to the 7th floor of our home. I can climb up the stairs without using the elevator. I feel stronger and definitely much better!
John Paul shares that none of this would be possible without First Vita Plus/ “People with tumors often think that the only solution is chemotherapy. But I found my comfort in First Vita Plus. It gave me what no medicine could offer – relief from sickness and pain. I just hope that more people will believe like I did. I owe my second life to First Vita Plus!”

First Vita Plus Testimonial – Gloria Bermido with Thyroid Cancer

Posted on February 25, 2013, 2:35 pm  By 

First Vita Plus Testimonial – Emilia Sorne Diagnosed of Colon Cancer

Posted on February 25, 2013, 2:35 pm  By