First Vita Plus Testimonial Health Story – Mercedita Fabula, Breast Tumor Patient

Posted on  September 24, 2013, 8:33 pm By 
First Vita Plus Testimonial Health Story - Mercedita Fabula

Doctors discovered that Mercedita Fabula had a tumor on the left side of her breast. They advised her undergo operation but due to financial limitations, she took a leap of faith and trusted instead First Vita Plus.
After consuming 1 box of First Vita Plus Natural Health Drink in Dalandan, she couldn’t stand the pain on her left breast and her chest felt like it was about to explode because of the pain. She was again advised to undergo operation but instead of, she decided to stay with First Vita Plus to see what it could to to her.
The tumor on her breast decreased in size, and became softer. And she can already breathe easily, no longer bothered by her heart ailment.