First Vita Plus Testimonial: ALMA SALAZAR

Posted on  March 7, 2013, 4:21 pm  By 
first-vita-plus-testimonial-alma-salazarALMA SALAZAR, RN
(Philippine General Hospital)
I am a registered Nurse by profession. Sometime in 1995, I had frequent attacks of severe skin allergy. A biopsy was done and I was diagnosed to be suffering from Psoriasis. I was treated with oral and topical steroids for 7 years, then later on I shifted to oral chemotherapy which according to my Rheumatologist will be for life. Last January 2007, I started taking First VitaPlus (8-10 sachets everyday). Everybody was amazed because the rashes of my skin for 3 years gradually disappeared after 3 weeks. And while it is true that Psoriasis is an auto-immune disease, it is worth knowing that somehow, someday, I will live free from psoriasis. Thanks to First Vita Plus.

First Vita Plus Testimonial: BALDOMERO CANINO

Posted on  March 7, 2013, 4:40 pm  By 
first-vita-plus-testimonial-baldomero-caninoName: Baldomero Canino
Since 2006, Mr. Baldomero has already been suffering from psoriasis, diabetes & pneumonia and for 11 months he has been bed-ridden. After he took First Vita Plus and drink it 3x a day for 1 week, he was to able to stand up and his wounds which was caused by psoriasis were healed. “Thank you so Much to the Lord, to Maam Doyee & to the Couple, Arnel & Jean, who introduced me the very effective product. Right now I am totaly healed & revitalized!” as verbalized by the patient.