First Vita Plus Testimonial Health Story – Eumena Elumbaring, Diabetic with High Cholesterol Level

Posted on  September 24, 2013, 6:36 pm By 
First Vita Plus Testimonial Health Story - Eumena Elumbaring, Diabetic with High Cholesterol level
Eumena Elumbaring became a First Vita Plus dealer in August 2010.
She was previously under medication for diabetes, suffers dysmenorrhea, migraine and high cholesterol level but after becoming a regular drinker of First Vita Plus, all the sysmptoms disappeared.
Her husband had gout, worsening asthma, abnormal blood and cholesterol levels and taking 4 to 5 kinds of medicines but none seemed to work. She decided to make him try 5 sachets of First Vita Plus Dalandan in just half a day. After drinking, he kept going back to the bathroom to urinate and he began to feel much better.
Her children who suffered asthma and chronic tonsilitis were also cured and her malnourished child since birth is now healthy and sickness-free.