First Vita Plus Testimonial Health Story – Deserie Incomio Lupus Patient Recovers

Posted on  September 24, 2013, 8:33 pm  By 
First Vita Plus Testimonial Health Story - Desirie Incomio Lupus Patient Recovers

Deserie Incomio, lupus patient, finds her road to recovery after a neighbor convinced her to try First Vita Plus Natural Health Drink in Dalandan.
After drinking one sachet, she had her period after not 4months of no menstruation. On the 2nd week, SHE EXPERIENCED HEADACHES WITH COUGHS AND COLDS. On the 3rd week, her coughs and colds disappeared but headaches and pains remained and disappeared only on the 4th week. BUT HER MENSTRUATION LASTED FOR 2 MONTHS.
STILL, SHE CONTINUED DRINKING First Vita Plus Natural Health Drink in Dalandan.
Eventually, she saw the difference. Rashes all over her body disappeared and she’s not as bloated as before anymore. She no longer drinks 30 mg of steroids daily and her menstruation has normalized.