First Vita Plus Testimonial Health Story – John Carlo Sta. Ana, Premature Baby

Posted on  September 24, 2013, 8:33 pm  By 
First Vita Plus Testimonial Health Story - John Carlo Sta. Ana, Premature Baby

John Carlo was born a premature baby, only 5 months and 3 weeks old, and he was very weak. He got sick with pneumonia and given 3 weeks to live.
His grandmother gave him First Vita Plus Natural Health Drink in Dalandan by dipping a cotton on the juice and leaving it to his lips so he could drink somehow. He was only able to consume 1 sachet due to difficulty in feeding the premature baby.
Miraculously, John Carlo was saved and is now normal.
Grandmother also no longer have dizzy spells, feels more active, and she can eat better. Their financial status also improved with earnings as First Vita Plus dealer

First Vita Plus Testimonial: BALDOMERO CANINO

Posted on  March 7, 2013, 4:40 pm  By 
first-vita-plus-testimonial-baldomero-caninoName: Baldomero Canino
Since 2006, Mr. Baldomero has already been suffering from psoriasis, diabetes & pneumonia and for 11 months he has been bed-ridden. After he took First Vita Plus and drink it 3x a day for 1 week, he was to able to stand up and his wounds which was caused by psoriasis were healed. “Thank you so Much to the Lord, to Maam Doyee & to the Couple, Arnel & Jean, who introduced me the very effective product. Right now I am totaly healed & revitalized!” as verbalized by the patient.