First Vita Plus Testimonial – P/Ssupt (Col) Jaime Oliquino Diagnosed with Liver Cirrhosis

Posted on March 6, 2013, 11:15 pm By 
First Vita Plus Testimonial - Jaime Oliquino - cirrhosis of the liver
In 2008, Colonel Oliquino was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. His stomack was bloated and his condition became so bad that his family was already talking about possible funeral arrangements.
He underwent several examinations and was hospitalized for 4 times. He thought that all hope was gone until he meet another classmate, Colonel Delima, who had a story to share about First Vita Plus. According to Colonel Delima, First Vita Plus brought back his appetite and improved his varicose veins.
“So, I became encouraged. I was paying around PhP30,000 a month for my medication and I could see very little improvement in my health condition. I drank two sachets of First Vita Plus Natural Health Drink in Guyabano and Mangosteen and I immediately saw the difference. I regained my appetite. I became stronger and I no longer feel that I am weak or sickly.”
His words of wisdomn on First Vita Plus. “Do not doubt. This is one alternative that is not expensive. Instead of spending PhP4 Million for an operation, all it took was First Vita Plus to regain my strength and to give me a second lease on life. I can now drive. I can walk faster and I have found my fountain of youth in First Vita Plus!”