First Vita Plus Success Story – Lito Aliber

Posted on March 6, 2013, 4:09 pm  By 

Lito Aliber Successful Stories

Lito Aliber believes that the act of helping the poor is God’s work and his testimony clearly speaks of how helping others helped him achieve much for himself.
In 2003,he came back from Canada where he worked as a caregiver and a part time tutor.He used to own a Montessori School and he also had business in the Philippines.Known to be a man of means and true hard worker.Lito also owned a furniture and upholstery shop ,a boarding house,car accessories,among many others.
Lito discovered First Vita Plus in his quest to help an uncle who was suffering from a prostate problem.The doctor advised him to shift to a fruits and vegetable lifestyle and this was something that Lito agreed with because he believes that prevention is always the solution- iwas sakit.
First Vita Plus gave him the health solution he needed.His children’s asthma improved and he saw how effective First Vita Plus was in eradicating the body‘s unwanted toxins.
Eventually,his loyalty to the product paid off and he experienced the blessing of financial freedom.”My best achievements in First Vita Plus are all intangible.I was able to help others achieve financial security and success and I was instrumental in the development of other people’s lives.Aside from providing for my own children and securing their future.I was able to teach others on how they can best help themselves.”
Lito also thanks First Vita Plus for the many lessons that it has brought him.” It taught me to smile more and to appreciate life better.My personality was transformed from being a teacher to a marketing man and I have changed so much because of it.I can now talk and relate with anybody - regardless of who you are and where you come from.”
He credits First Vita Plus for bringing out the best in him.” If there is one lesson that I want people to learn.It is the value of stating focused and committed to the company.There is no other way to success except through dedication and hard work.I owe Ma’am Doyee a lot and she is my great angel here in earth.She treats everyone equally and she is determined to see all the dealers level up in life.”
Lito is a man of gratitude and appreciation and it is for this reason that many people admire and follow his footsteps.
“I have learned to love First Vita Plus and Ma’am Doyee most especially.She helps the less fortunate and in doing so,was able to transform the lives of so many Filipinos who are in need of hope.”
Lito imparts this important lesson to fellow dealers and to those who are in search of opportunity.There are a lot of job less people right now,graduates who are looking for the right job.The employment field out there is very competitive and there is a slim chance that most will be accommodated.I am inviting them to First Vita Plus because this is the ONE place where ANYBODY can be a millionaire and a multi-millionaire.