First Vita Plus Success Story – Jerome Matre, Gasoline Boy

Posted on  September 24, 2013, 10:22 pm  By 

Jerome Matre Successful Stories

Life was very difficult for our family.We were deep in debt and I would often find myself hiding from my parent’s creditors who wanted to collect money from me.
After working for two years in a gasoline station.I found out that I had a spot in my lungs.I wanted to look for another job but no company would accept me because of my health condition.
My answered prayer came when I discovered First Vita Plus.I wanted to immediately buy the product and become a dealer but we did not have money.So my mother and I sold half of our house for PHP 18,000.We used the money to pay for our debts and only then,could I afford to buy my first power pack.
My life as a dealer was hard at first because people often laughed at me.They said I didn’t know what I was doing.But I remained strong and steadfast.But my biggest achievement is being able to renovate our house ,using my own earning from First Vita Plus.
Nothing beats seeing the fruits of your hardwork.Our house is proof of that.
Joining First Vita Plus proved to be the best decision of my life.I am now financially independent and able to pay for my parents’ debts.I also have my own motorcycle,bought from my hard earned money as a dealer.
In terms of my health,my lungs are now clear,thanks to First Vita Plus Natural Health Drink in Dalandan.I can now work as a dealer,knowing that I am healthy and sickness-free!
I am tired of being poor and I do not want to return to a life of poverty and hardships.I know how it is to be very poor and I will never go back to that life.Being a dealer has given me the chance to improve my life and I will continue with First Vita Plus,knowing how much it has helped me and how much it has changed my family’s life.
I am telling you to do it while you can.While you are young ,while you still have the energy and while there is still more than enough time.Grab every opportunity that comes your way and do not let the obstacles stop you from achieving the impossible.There is no impossible in First Vita Plus.
This is for us,First Vita Plus is for you.For every Filipino who needs hope and who wants to have a better life.