First Vita Plus Success Story – Bernardo and Normalita Dela Cruz, Tiangge Vendor and Seaman

Posted on September 24, 2013, 8:22 pm  By 

Bernardo and Normalita de la Cruz Successful Stories

My husband was a seaman and he was away for many years.We had no choice because he had to strive hard to make money for our living.As a simple housewife and mother of four.I decided to help my husband to satisfy our needs.Then he stopped working abroad and we decided to put up a small business.We joined bazaars,tiangges and go into places where we could sell our novelty items.But still our profits were never enough.We were always in search of additional income and financial opportunities.This led us to First Vita Plus.
It was first introduced by my siblings Noli and Danilo Juliano.When they told us about the business my husband was very negative.He did not want to go into networking business.My brothers were very persistent and they asked me again to attend a seminar so I said yes.So without the knowledge of my husband,I went with my brothers to the office.After that,they finally joined me and I became a First Vita Plus dealer.At first.I still had many unanswered questions but when I heard Dr.Richard Custodio during one of his health talks when I learned that First Vita Plus could greatly help many health problems like heart ailment,back pains,ect.I started drinking the product and immediately felt the results in my body.It really boosted my immune system and I felt the toxins disappear.I then shared with my husband because he had undergone a leg operation that really affected his health.His body movement was not the same anymore and he was always sick.But after months of regularly taking First Vita Plus,he can easily move and walk faster.He is also stronger.Aside from him,my children are healthier too.Thanks to First Vita Plus,our health problems were answered and we are in love with the product!
After quite sometime of continuously attending training and seminars,the realization finally came to me on what First Vita Plus can bring into our lives.I said to myself, “If I want change,I have to do it now!”. So we decided to do the business.My husband and I continued with our tiangge business but from selling novelty items we change our product to First Vita Plus natural health drinks.We enjoyed selling because aside from gaining a much bigger income,we can also help other people not only with regard to their health,but also when it comes to the wealth aspect.We also met different kinds of people from doctors,lawyers,politicians,actors etc and they become our partners in the business.From there,I started gaining more self confidence,”dati pahiya hiya pa ako”.I never expected that I could talk to these people.
I learned in First Vita Plus that “lahat pantay pantay” which is what I like most.
Now I can say that we are more financially stable.We were able to buy a brand new car.And after so many years of building our house ,we finally fixed it ,something we never thought we could build in such a short span of time.We also 90sq m lot and we are now building another house.All of these is because of First Vita Plus!
A simple lesson that I can impart is this.Just be committed to spreading the good news of what our product and business can bring into the lives of so many people.Never to stop believing and never get tired of learning more about the product,because this will be your key to success .Do the business right and it will reward you more than you expect or deserve!