First Vita Plus Success Story – Aura Christina Padrigo, PAL HR Specialist

Posted on  September 24, 2013, 8:23 pm  By 

Aura Cristina Padrigo Successful Stories

I used to work at Philippines Airlines as an HR Specialist.I also graduated from Nursing.It was in the middle of 2008,when I was already planning to go to the States to work as a nurse when I suffered from chronic UTI(Urinary Tract Infection).
It was my friend Desiree Go who shared First Vita Plus with me.I thought that I needed a few boxes in order to fit better but after just a few sachet my chronic UTI disappeared.
The efficacy of the product was the reason why I joined First Vita Plus. It made me well and it also did wonders to my children health.Before we were always at the doctor’s because of asthma and pneumonia but when they started drinking First Vita Plus,their resistance improved,they became “stronger and less prone to sickness.Everyone in the Family benefitted from the products.I have tried a lot of health drinks but First Vita Plus is the only one that is both delicious and effective.
My chronic UTI is gone,including my excessive bleeding during menstruation,my migraine and my family’s immune system was boosted because of First Vita Plus.
Financially,when I saw many successful people in First Vita Plus especially those from humble beginnings like tricycle drivers,fish ball vendors and janitors achieve so much,I became inspired to do the business also.If they can do it,then why can’t I?And since I believe so much in the product because of health benefits that it has given to my family,I know in my heart this is the best business and product in the market. It has indeed given us the greatest wealth there is and that is GOOD HEALTH.
Apart from it,we were able to pay all our debts when we started to earn from First Vita Plus.We now have a cars,lot in Bulacan and Fairview and a condominium unit in Eastwood.But more than the financial rewards.It is the time freedom that is most rewarding.We are our own boss now.We can do the business at our own face and at our own time.
I strongly believe that everyone should drink First Vita Plus.It has a potent combination of herbs in a power packed sachet of vitamins and minerals.This is especially good for children who usually have a weak immune system.When they drink First Vita Plus,all the nutrients that their bodies need are replenished nad thet become healthier and stronger.Whether you are young or old.First Vita Plus is good for you.
First Vita Plus is undoubtedly effective and the marketing plan is so simple and easy that everyone,even those who were not able to go to school,can be successful.It is a great EQUALIZER and that is the reason why everyone should join.Our business here is to help people to have Great Health,to have Financial Freedom and to have Time Freedom. Isn’t that the most amazing job in the world?
If you are going through hardships,be part of First Vita Plus,Follow the system ,study the business and learn more about the product.You will definitely succeed especially if you are humble enough to learn.